Yau (ed.), The Founder of Index Theory, Reminiscenes of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Singer, International Press, 2004

The Founders of Index Theory: Reminiscences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Singer
Witten が Atiyah, Bott , Singer のそれぞれについて寄稿している.Tsuchiya-Kanie を読んでよくわからなかったが,Atiyah の示唆にしたがってそれに注意を向けるよう努め,ついに Jones 多項式の Chern-Simons による理解にたどりついたという.

In many ways, this work relating the Jones polynomial to Chern-Simons theory was a turning point in my career. For one thing, I learned that while it might indeed take a lifetime to master all the learnedness in that pile of papers that I had been looking at,the piece of the story that I was suited for personally did not require all that. It required focussing on the right questions and, at times, listening to the right advice.